Thursday 29 June 2023

Will My Vehicles Cabin Air Filter Protect Against the Poor Air Quality?

Posted by at 10:46 AM

Will My Vehicles Cabin Air Filter Protect Against the Poor Air Quality?

The cabin air filter cleans out dust, pollen, spores and other pollutants. To give a point of comparison, a grain of sand is about 200 microns across. A cabin air filter can stop particles that are just 3 microns in size. It really does make the passenger cabin a much more pleasant & safe environment.

When the cabin air filter gets dirty, you just need to replace it. Your owner's manual may have a recommended interval for changing it. If not we can inspect it at Auto Select. A clean cabin air filter keeps out smog, allergens and other harmful pollutants, and with the current air quality issues and warnings from the wild fires, this is an especially good time to have your cabin air filter replaced. 

Some cabin air filters are very easy to access, others, not so much. We may have to get behind the dashboard and it can take some time to replace, so stop in at Auto Select, and have your mechanic check it out. 

If it's time to replace, get it changed right away.